Unique Stairway Walks

Stuttgarter Stäffelestour by wanatu.de

Button Flag UK Stäffelestour Wanatu English About the Unique Stairway Walks - Dear city hiker , dear city tourist.

Stuttgart is particularly in terms of its geographical location in the basin. The limiting slopes allow the city to be unique. Urban life can be best experienced at that unique stairway walks.

These special tours through the town of Stuttgart are unique. A combination of nature, culture and historical background.

The Stuttgart Stäffele (stairway) are actually about 600 stairways which found its origin in the management of Stuttgart vineyards. Due to the high number of Stäffele the Stuttgart citizen have received the nickname "Stäffelesrutscher" (sliding down the stairs).

As a native "Schdurgerter Schdäffelesrutscher" these particular ways of Stuttgart are very special for me.
Become an "Schdurgerter Schdäffelesrutscher", too!

Usually the Stairway Walks are in German language but can also be offered in private groups where English can be spoken. The tours starts at 12 persons up to your your desired size. Currently I offer you 2 different Tours in English language.  Don’t hesitate and ask for your personal offer!

For fewer participants, please take a look at our popular City Quest.

Stuttgarter "Stäffeles-Guide" | Cityguide

Stuttgarter Stäffele City Quest

Our favorite top game since 2021

You like to explor the city of Stuttgart on your own? So why not playing a game?

You like scavenger hunt or treasure hunt? Well you will like the Stäffele City Quest.

Solve exciting puzzles, discover the city's history and the most interesting sights
and enjoy the most beautiful viewpoints of Stuttgart - all this you will find in our Stuttgart Stäffele City Quest!


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